Thursday, September 9, 2021

_____________ CHRIS BOUZAID AND RAINBOW 2 PODCAST ______________

This is Chris Bouzaids Rainbow 2 - One of New Zealands most famous, iconic and successful yachts.
Man and boat are firmly fixed in New Zealand yachting history. It is said that the music we listen to is the soundtrack of our life - but our 'soundtrack' to use the word as a metaphor is broader than music and for me as a sailor I remember this man and his boat as part of the background to my NZ sailing life.

This is the crew of Rainbow 2 - Chris Bouzaid is second from the left. This podcast (click below) will be of special interest to Kiwi yachties. I found it wonderful to listen to, a real trip down memory lane. It's quite long but well worth the listen.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

____________________ WESTERLY 22 TRANSFORMED ___________________

 I was so taken with this boat I have unscrupulously copied the photograph of it from Max's Blog here: 

The reason why (Along with the fact that I simply love the yawl rig) is because I am intrigued by the way a basic design ( The ubiquitous Westerly 22) can be  transformed simply by changing the rig. Changing from sloop to gaff yawl has introduced such a wodge of romance, balanced complexity and jauntiness into the mix that when I first saw this photograph on Max's Blog it became this weeks jaw dropping moment. In my opinion, adding an interesting and more complex rig to a small boat increases a boats gravitas and saltiness. This little boat looks eager and perky - ten out of ten to the skipper who was inspired to make the change.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

____________________________ MEDITATION ________________________

Unity of heart and mind speaks of the world as 
islands set in oceans and seas of wind whipped blue
Our deepest truth is found on voyages alone navigating the self 
among the scend of oceans breaking on headlands and reefs
Old truth tells us that to seek is to sail the horizon back to where we began
The voyage and the return are one, a circumnavigation of islands born of meanings call
  to find the heart of seeking eternally moored by the shore
 in the silence of our own harbour .
By - Alden Smith 2021 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

________________ A MAST IS NOT A MAST WHEN IT IS A ? ________________

Photo taken last season at Parua Bay Yacht Club

There should be two warning signs in this photograph - the warning about the slippery ramp in the foreground and another warning the skipper of the small yacht in the back ground that (s)he has no chance of holding the boat upright in any sort of breeze with a sail that matches the height of that mast! But of course shipmates ............. a mast is not a mast when it is a ? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

....... Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know, I know, but New Zealand is in the middle of a full on Level 4 Covid 19 Delta lock down thingie and I felt the need to post something whimsical, to sort of help the cosmic balance - whatever the F___ ___ ___   that means. There, you now have TWO words to guess.  

Posted by moi in my comedic role as head of the nautical branch of the Ministry of Silly Walks. Please send all prize money for guessing the two words to me promptly - thank you.