Saturday, June 22, 2019

___________________________ 'BORROWED' __________________________

Here she is - the Flying Fifteen 'Borrowed' that Don and I will be sailing for the third time tomorrow. Our placings to date have been a 6th and 2nd place. Today was an alteration / preparation day. We tweaked a few things, sorted out the hiking straps and placed some non skid tape on the side decks in strategic places. We will be hunting for a good breeze tomorrow.


Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Fortune favours the brave!

Alden Smith said...

Quite right Steve - and you have to be brave - ish to go sailing in winter, even here is what is called by the Tourist industry "The Winterless North". In winter we in Whangarei in the WL North guffaw into our beer as we talk about living in 'Whanga-rain.