Thursday, December 6, 2018

____________________ ACROBATS AND A SUNSET ______________________

Today as evening drew near I drove to be close to water and sky. It's something I do often. This time it was to Onerahi by the yacht club were I sail on a Tuesday night. I sat in the car and ate a Lemon and Paeroa ice block on a stick ( You may need to be a Kiwi to fully understand what that means) and watched a couple of New Zealand Oyster Catcher seabirds stand on one leg with their long bright red bills tucked into their feathers as they slept - an impressive piece of acrobatics.


George A said...

"World Famous in New Zealand since quite recently"

Alden Smith said...

Yes, everyone needs stuff that's world famous quite recently in their own country. It gives you bragging rights about stuff that no one else knows anything about. It's an easy way to belong to an exclusive club. It's as harmless and full of the same banal humour as selfie taking.

Barubi said...

You can have the L&P if we can keep the Pavlova.
They may be fighting words.

Alden Smith said...

Nah..... L&P, Pavlova, Pineapple Lumps, that great horse 'Far Lap', Buzzy Bees and Jandals etc, are ours --- but we will share, so long as you recognise who owns them - and we will continue to play and win rugby games against you; you can't say fairer than that!