Friday, August 7, 2015

________________________ NEW BEGINNINGS ________________________

Together until we all meet again:

Left to Right - Grandson Zane, Daughter Charlotte, Son in Law Nathan, Son Nikolai, Son Alex (Zanes Father), Daughter in Law Ramiza (Zanes Mother).

The crossroads of young lives are full of comings and goings, endings and new beginnings. In a few days our daughter Charlotte and son in law Nathan head to England for a few years. We wish them well in their new beginnings. We will miss them a great deal. They go with our love and blessing.


Ben said...

Well said!
The world is becoming a village, especially for young people.

Alden Smith said...

Yes Ben, there is that term "Global Village" to describe a shrinking world made possible by international aeroplane and social media.

I have very mixed feelings about our only daughter Charlotte residing on the other side of the planet but I am trying to believe that the glass in half full rather than half empty.

One good thing about all of this is that we will be traveling to the northern hemisphere in the not too distant future which makes many things possible! ........ Apart from seeing Charlotte and Nathan again there is ..... traveling around the UK, sailing on the Norfolk Broads (That's just the start of the sailing marlarky!!!! 'believe you me'!!!!)... Hopefully meeting up with you and Renee and a long list of other possibilities ... so "its all good" as the Kiwi saying goes.