The two bottom bow panels are sound and completely free of any rot, as are the bulkheads, framing and the stern . The two cockpit sides look ok, but the bottom edges need a bit more of a careful examination as I clean up the frames with a wood plane.
Wow! You are a keen man,one would have thought a new hull build might be easier....just thinking out loud ;)
Hi Paul. Yes a new hull build may well be a lot easier. I bought this on our NZ TradeMe Buy/Sell/Auction site - I won the auction and thought that the boat looked sound from the photographs - bad mistake - but I am enjoying the restoration work. If I don't count the cost of my labour in all of this I will be getting pretty much a new boat at about half to a third of the cost of a new one - and I am honing up on my woodworking skills again, so its all good.
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