My modified version of the Rorschach Test
RORSCHACH TEST |ˈrôrˌ sh äk|: Noun Psychology.
A type of projective test used in psychoanalysis, in which a standard set of symmetrical ink blots of different shapes and colors is presented one by one to the subject, who is asked to describe what they suggest or resemble.
ORIGIN 1920s: named after Hermann Rorschach (1884–1922), Swiss psychiatrist.
You can apply the test to yourself. Look carefully at the cartoon and let ideas and images well up from your subconscious. What is the catalyst of Leunigs image releasing from your mind?
'Jump leads' suggest that he may be considering leaping over that fence.
Yes, it would be hard to be a fence sitter with 12 volts running through the seat of your pants.
What would I know?
Well, bloody hell and all of that! That is a coincidence - Perhaps the rorschach test is an interesting idea that we all get around to using in a blogpost at some time - I think this is the second time I have used the idea or referred to it - I must check my back blogposts and find out - The boat is your photograph is seriously strange looking! - my ink blot reaction is to look skyward for an invasion of aliens.
Yes BB, on Monday, July 20, 2009 in a Blogpost titled "Haiku" I make a lot of references to Rorschach tests.
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