Monday, January 19, 2015


The road to Dana Monastery Tibet.

----  ROADS ----
 - Hone Tuwhare

I turn away from roads,
sign - posted hot macadams :
roads on smooth roads curving
looping under, up and yonder
going leading nowhere.

I dream of roads
but seek instead a tumble
stumble - footed course I know
will earn me sad wounds 
cutting deep to bone.

I have learned to love
too much perhaps
rough tracks hard of going
poorly lit by stars.

Night - long voyagings
have found no easy path
to the silent gate
that is the dawn -
the truth beyond
that is the banished city.

Hearing only the night - birds
booming ancient blasphemies :
moon - dark ease reflection
in the knocking stones
the river chortling.

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