Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Those Old Stars - The High Stars of the Southern Cross

There is only one thing better than seeing the Southern Cross - and that's seeing the Southern Cross from the decks of a small cruising yacht on a warm clear night after a good days sailing.

"When you see the Southern Cross
For the first time
You understand now
Why you came this way" - Crosby, Stills and Nash



Ben said...

I agree with C,S &N.
My first time was on a very clear night in Haast. For me it is now easier to find than the polar star.
Your own picture?

Alden Smith said...

Ben - Ah yes, the Pole Star! I have seen it, it is great - I remember Arthur Ransome the author of the 'Swallows and Amazons' series of books for children stating that wherever he was overseas during the disruptive war years (WW2) he always looked for the Pole Star at night and knew that it was also shining on his beloved Lake District in England where he had so much joy as a child, and that to do this, gave him great comfort.

The picture is not mine, I got it off the internet. Our southern night sky is very beautiful as you would have seen - especially away from city light pollution - you can see the whole arm of the Milky Way - wonderful!!