Saturday, March 14, 2015


Whangarei Yacht 'Masina' built by Noel Barrott, crewed by wife Litara won the coveted Blue Water Medal for a her voyaging including a high latitude circumnavigation.

"If a man or a women must be obsessed by something, I suppose a boat is as good as anything, perhaps a bit better than most. A small sailing craft is not only beautiful, it is seductive and full of strange promise and the hint of trouble. If it happens to be an auxiliary cruising boat, it is without question the most compact and ingenious arrangement for living ever devised by the restless mind of man--a home that is stable without being stationary, shaped less like a box than like a fish or a girl, and in which the homeowner can remove his daily affairs as far from shore as he has the nerve to take them, close hauled or running free--parlor, bedroom, and bath, suspended and alive."
~E. B. White


Dan Gurney said...

That's one of my favorite (favourite) quotes from EB White. I hadn't read it in a while.

Alden Smith said...

Hi Dan. Yes it is a great quote, and of course as a sailor I think the quote is full of immense wisdom!

I have read E B Whites 'Charlottes Web' to several classes over the years. I was amazed how it changed my view on Spiders (but it didn't last!).
What has changed my action (rather than my liking) towards spiders has been taking seriously a Buddhist outlook - under this regime spiders get to be put outside rather than squashed!

Nice to hear from you again. : > )